We call our social mission SomethingGood.
We believe that good business starts with doing good things. We aspire to be a ring in the ripple by inspiring others to find unique ways to give back no matter the size of the company or financial resources a company may have.
We give back through a book series we created called Standing O! These books feature prominent CEOS,
pro-athletes, bestselling authors, Olympians, military leaders and more who share chapters of gratitude for
life lessons learned.100% of the proceeds go to charity. The goal of these books is to raise awareness and
funding for the underexposed worthy causes.
Our first book
Standing O! supported two amazing organizations. Elevate New York and Keep on Playing.
Our second book
Standing O! Encore supported the Look for the Good Project.

Our third book
Standing O! Salute 2020 Supported the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

Our fourth book
Standing O! Tribute 2021 Supported Blankets of Hope.
The community of contributors to the Standing O! Series is affectionately known as “StandingO!Nation”.
We encourage our team to donate their time to great causes.
We have given out hundreds of SomethingGood bags to the homeless and maybe more importantly have wonderful conversations with people are typically passed by without a look.
National Try SomethingNew Week
If you haven’t realized it yet we don’t believe in doing the same old, same old.
To raise money for great causes and to encourage others to move out of their comfort zone, we created a national holiday called National Try SomethingNew Week. During this week, people post the new things they’ve tried whether sky diving, climbing a mountain, or giving out encouraging messages to strangers on the streets of Manhattan and we make donations in their name to the charity of their choice.