Meet the
committed to showing up differently.

Founder & CEO

Scott MacGregor
Founder & CEO
Founder & CEO of SomethingNew, has 20+ years of experience as a top sales performer and Chief Revenue Officer in the technology industry working for and with Fortune 500/1000 companies. Highlights of his career include:
- Record 7 consecutive American Business Awards Winner for Innovation (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
- Best of Staffing Winner 2020
- Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 94.4%
- Non Profit Advisory Board Member for The Look for the Good Project & Blankets of Hope
- Business Advisory Board Member for Rich Cardona Media, College Collections LLC & Stix
- Advisory Council-Harvard Business Review
- LinkedIn Hiring Advisors Member
- Former Chairman of the Board for Elevate New York
- Winner of Sales Executive of the Year, American Business Awards (2005)
- By 29 recruited by tech start up as Chief Revenue Officer
- Youngest National Account Manager in the history of Fortune 500 Company, Pitney Bowes
SomethingNew LLC, one of the
fastest-growing talent strategy companies in
the country. SomethingNew is a record
six-time recipient of the American Business
Award for Innovation and winner of Best of
Staffing. Beyond finding clients exceptional
talent, SomethingNew’s advisory services
called SomethingNew Labs™ save
companies millions of dollars through
teaching and providing proprietary tools
centered on the three pillars of an effective
people strategy: talent acquisition,
onboarding and retention. MacGregor’s
belief that good companies do good things
led him to establish SomethingGood™,
which is the social mission component of
SomethingNew. His books, Standing
O!, Standing O! Encore, Standing O!
Salute and now Standing O! Tribute are part of that mission as all of the
proceeds go to charity.

Did you know?
Scott MacGregor
Founder & CEO
I had a Major League Baseball tryout (look at my LinkedIn profile and you can guess how well it went)
I’m pretty awesome at Brady Bunch and sports trivia and am ready to take on all challengers
I’ve been to Bora Bora
I own a guitar but can’t play
I have zero and I mean zero sense of direction
I don’t really know how to smile or dance
My lunch is sometimes peanut butter straight out of the jar
I have a relative who for years told her friends I went to Harvard (sorry Aunt Betty)
I hung out with Barry Manilow in Vegas (pictures can be sent on request)
I tried to rescue a seal lion who apparently didn’t need to be rescued in Cabo and it was less than pleased with me (the video can be sent on request).
I’m pretty obsessed with sampling different craft beers and stopped counting long ago at 500.
I don’t believe in ghosts or UFO’s or anything even remotely like that
I’m allergic to cheese but can eat cheesecake which I’ve been told makes no sense
I love the Great Lakes Brewing Co in Cleveland (if you send me Edmund Fitzgerald Porter we are true friends for life)
My wife is awesome and I’m not just saying that
I’ve watched full seasons of The Bachelorette (with my wife) and am only slightly ashamed of it
I cried when the Vikings lost Super Bowl XI (I was 1 day shy of turning 9)
Every year I predict the Vikings are going to win the Super Bowl (I’m obviously no Nostradamus but I am a positive thinker)
I’ve called in sick to work less than 5 times total in my entire career

Did you know?
Diane Ristau
I LOVE to dine outside in the summer.
I’m a coffee snob. I like really good, dark roast coffee.
I am not a wine snob. Give me a good glass of $5 chardonnay and I am happy.
The song Take It Easy by the Eagles always makes me smile.
I’ll go up against anyone in parallel parking contest and will probably win.
I love fitness! One of my favorite places to be is at the gym or exercising outside
Traveling is one of the best medicines out there. I highly recommend it! Especially in the middle of a Minnesota winter.
I have my MBA but find spreadsheets extremely boring.
I believe God created each of us for a purpose. Only when we find it are we fulfilled.
Three kids = busy, fun, rewarding, crazy life.
Favorite family past time – Cabin time, where the business of life goes away and we can truly relax and enjoy nature.
Music feeds my soul and helps me run faster… everything from Usher to Tim McGraw to Tobymac to Van Halen and even a little Justin Bieber!
My first job was working at McDonald’s.
If I’m crabby, two things always fix it = prayer and exercise!
I love dogs, especially labs.
I find New York City fascinating.
Bucket list = sky diving.
I once roller bladed 75 miles over two days.
I have no rhythm.
I’ve learned that most people have a lot more to offer this world than they know. Sometimes it just takes a little encouragement from ONE person to give the courage they need.

Did you know?
Kathy Leckey
I have been present for the births of two babies-soon to be three (other than my own)
I have seen the sunrise over the Grand Canyon.
I have had a guitar for 20 years and cannot play. Scott and I would make a terrible duet.
I have seen U2 and Liberace in concert, not at the same time.
I love chocolate and peanut butter, especially when they accidentally get mixed together.
I used to drive a 14 passenger Tour Bus at Niagara Falls.
I was a speaker at the 2014 TEDxYouth at Buffalo Conference.
Earth day is my favorite holiday.
“The Office” still makes me laugh out loud.
I never text lol, always hahahaha.
If I could have two wishes, they would be to be able to sing and swim.
Someday I would love to swim with dolphins.
Two awards I am most proud of: Ice Cream Scooper of the Month at Friendly’s in college and a Green Peace essay contest to Save the Seals in 5th grade..
I volunteered with the Red Cross for 3 weeks in Miami after Hurricane Andrew.
I always wanted to join the Peace Corps.
I love the Foo Fighters.
I once joined a support group for sugar addicts, where we fought our addiction “one day at a time.”
My happy place is a campfire on a beach at sunset.
I coached the Yankees for one winning season of t-ball.
I am full of gratitude.

Did you know?
Meg MacGregor
- I’m obsessed with candles. I light them every night without fail.
I drink green tea all day long (never had a cup of coffee in my life)
No matter what length race I do, I always place middle of the pack.
I don’t like watching sporting events, but I love 30 for 30 documentaries.
I can eat a 1/2 pound of pasta in one sitting (easily I might add)
I climbed Stratton In VT 17 times in one weekend.
I ran the Boston Marathon as a “bandit”
I lived in Killington VT for 2 years.
I’ve been known to order off the children’s menu. I’ve seen over 100 shows on Broadway I love Monkeys ?

Did you know?
Brianne Morgan
- I was born and raised in Big Sky Country.
- I spent half of my life in Montana, and half in Los Angeles.
- My mother named me after a French actress.
- Growing up my nickname was Breezy.
- Montana skies and rain showers in the middle of summer are two of my favorite things.
- I didn’t drink coffee until I was in my 30’s, now I rarely go a day without.
- I love Italian food and sushi, but nothing beats a red juicy steak – and yes, I’m a steak snob. What else would you expect from a Montanan?
- For several years, I was an international equestrian competitor. I won two AQHA World Championships, Rookie of the Year, and multiple American Quarter Horse Congress Championships. My trainer once drew a cartoon of me practicing with my horse for so long that half of his legs had worn off. Yes, I was only “slightly” persistent.
- My dream was to make the U.S. Olympic Equestrian team.
- One of my horses was named Trump Suit (the best hand you can have in a game of Bridge). He lived up to his name and more.
- One of my favorite experiences was watching Barbaro win the 132nd Kentucky Derby with my mom.
- I had the privilege of getting to dance with Keanu Reeves in the movie “Constantine”. The footage didn’t make the cutting room floor, but I’ll never forget the experience.
- My favorite genre in movies and books are true stories of human triumph.
- My favorite movie is “Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken.”
- My favorite book is “Man’s Search for Meaning”, by Victor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor.
- My first job was working as a lifeguard at a lake for 4 summers in high school. While I did rescue a few people, thankfully none were ever near-drowning, I did however rescue a horse that was.
- Until I was 10, I wanted to be a jockey when I grew up. By 11 it was clear I was going to be too tall. At 15 my goal was to become an M.D., and at 17 I began college determined to still become a doctor, but a veterinarian instead.
- An explosion in my college chemistry lab changed that plan. I’ve since had more surgeries than I can remember or count.
I learned early on that the saying “Life is what happens while we’re busy making plans” is true. - I don’t know that everything happens for a reason, but I do believe that within each event, no matter how difficult, there lies opportunity and that life’s most difficult trials can also be the most beautiful. It is up to us to let trials defeat us or refine us.
- I am grateful for every challenge I’ve encountered in life, through each I’ve gained humility, empathy, and wisdom and I wouldn’t be the person I am without them.
- I believe life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain.
- Those who rely upon the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.